Wednesday, September 25, 2024

 Saturday November 19

Last night Don Cucos with Daughter 1. I drank the regular margarita and felt quite tipsy. We came back home and planned the meals for Mammoth next week—Thanksgiving.

Tonight, dinner with old friend and her husband. She cooked risotto with lemon, basil, olive oil, and shrimp. Very good and cooked perfectly. I’d like the recipe. She also made an apple gallette which was very tasty.

One thing notable is I could talk about Ren without getting maudlin. It was quite a lively conversation—not at all awkward. 

The drive out to there house at night felt intimidating. The car headlights "starred out" as they came towards me. The freeway wasn’t so bad, as tail lights are not as bright as headlights. However, there was a lot of traffic, so I had to pay attention. Knowing the route made it easier.

I don’t really want to go to Mammoth for Thanksgiving with Daughter 1 and family, but it will probably do me good to get away. I bought waterproof boots today, so at least my feet will stay dry if it snows.

Are these the first steps towards resuming my normal life? 

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Satur day, November 26 Home from Thanksgiving at Mammoth. There was snow on the side of the road, but it didn't snow on us and the roads...