Friday, August 20, 2021

Still in the Pandemic

 Holy Moly! Too many weeks since I've posted here. 

It's now August 20, 2021 and the Covid-19 Pandemic is once more raging. A new variant, the Delta Variant has roared into our lives. It is especially deadly for unvaccinated people, but even the vaccinated are vulnerable. 

Masks are required inside buildings again in California. School children are required to mask up in the classroom and to socially distance, but at least they are in school. We are all so tired of this constant need to be careful, to mask up, to stay distant from others, to obey the rules. But some still protest the need, ignore the science, defy the regulations, and harass the careful. 

This week they say we need booster shots after eight months. I thought we'd be safe for at least a year, like the flu shots, but apparently not. The trouble is so many of the effects of the virus and its behavior are unknown. Scientists research and pass on the information but too many are critical that the information changes. Of course it changes! As more is learned, we hope they adapt and change recommendations to accommodate that knowledge. 

I have no patience for grown-ups who behave like spoiled children. "I don't WANT to wear a mask, so I'm not gonna!" No one wants to wear a mask, but we do it to protect those around us. I just want to say to them: "GROW UP!"

Das all folks.



Christmas 2020

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