Monday, October 4, 2021

Pandemic Still Here!

October 2021

By this time we thought we’d be finished with the pandemic, back to normal, on track, in the groove, dating, dancing, shopping, celebrating, all the things we’ve missed for the last eighteen plus months. Jeesh!

Of course, we who have done everything we’ve been asked, can’t help blame those who deliberately don’t. Common sense seems to have been deserted by some. It’s political, but not Republican vs Democrat. I know plenty of Republicans who have followed the science, have worn the masks, have eagerly sought vaccinations and now boosters when eligible.

There is a subset of Americans who are angry. I’m not sure why they are angry, or at what. Do they even know? Certain media outlets foment the anger so that their followers will keep tuning in, responding, spreading the hatred and anger. In doing so they help keep those advertising dollars pouring in. Why the anger? What do these Angry Americans think they will accomplish by ignoring health guidelines? They obey traffic rules, they adhere to other regulations. Why choose this dangerous way to focus their anger?

There is no incentive for these media outlets and their mouthpieces to stop. They don’t believe what they are promoting, but if they are exposed they scream “Fake News” and their followers believe every word. 

Deathbed conversions by formerly Angry American ring hollow. It’s too little, too late for their families, their friends, and for the many unknown people they might have infected as they coughed and laughed and shouted their way through society.

It feels good to vent; I get that. But vent when you are causing damage to your fellow human beings? Ignore the restrictions and vaccines when it means taking a chance on incubating the next Covid variant? Ignoring distancing and masks when it means taking a chance on infecting others? Taking a chance on prolonging the pandemic? That’s not only dangerous and frustrating, it’s childish. The anti-mask, anti-vaccine temper tantrums are, frankly, embarrassing to witness coming from adults.

To those Angry Americans who scream about “my freedom” I say, It’s not about YOU. It’s about others. If you don’t care about the people around you, go live off the grid where you will cause no harm. If you want to stay in society, then please:

Grow Up!


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